Thursday, December 9, 2010

When there was 2....

Before we were chasing 4 kids, we had 2. I've never had "just one". Or our "first". It's always been a different ball game for us. It's a funny thought. Scary actually. I am no superstar by any means. I struggle with my own day to day tasks. And to be honest, I really just wanted to be pregnant. I had not even given much thought to the "outcome" of being pregnant. (Cough, cough) And yet, in my own selfishness, the Lord sent two of his sweetest spirits to our home. TWO? You're joking right? That's what I said to the ultra sound nurse. Her reply? "Oh honey, we don't joke about things like that."

Why so sentimental you ask? Our computer crashed. Not crashed, DIED. As in the Motherboard fried. That is what my kids could say about me at the end of the day! ;) he he he!
We happened to have a very old hard drive that we have not used in 4 years or so. Well, like looking for a $20 bill in an old coat pocket, I started looking through old files. But what I found was priceless.

Old pictures of my 2. Of Nattie and Scooter. We don't even call her that any more. We did because she "scooted" first. Hence, Scooter. I sat and cried as I scrolled through the pictures of my girls. Most of the both of them. Happy, dirty faces, silly smiles and sucking thumbs. I really started missing these little girls. Once I had Graden they became "The Sissies" as we call them. They lost some of that "first born" glory.

I just wanted to share with you my girls. When it was just the 2 of them. To this day they are still best friends. They still drive each other crazy. They still suck their thumbs. They still hang onto the same, now grungy babies. They are still His sweetest spirits.

You see why now?

9 SAY WHAT??????????????????:

Kendra said...

Oh my goodness, so TENDER! So CUTE! They are the most beautiful girls! :)

Angie said...

It kills me to watch old home videos...makes you wish you had a time machine so you could go back and see them just one more time while they're little! :)

bAiLeY said...

oh my heck!! they are precious! i love the gangsta picture. ADORABLE!!

Candace said...

I looooove old pictures. Wow they are so sweet and they so remind me of Graden! Your kids are like quadruplets! And Im really so sad about your computer. HOpefully it gets a replacement soon. =) love ya

One mom said...

So sweet. I have never seen two cuter twins. I could really see the resemblance between the twins and Graden. Fun post.

Unknown said...

I soooo know how you feel. I miss my toddler Mason and Bo so much. These pictures of the girls are how I still think of them. They'll always be 2 year olds to me.

Lee Party of 2 said...

Your blog is so cute, your kids are so dang cute, and you are so freaking cute! your girls are spitting images of you its nuts!

dina marie said...

So fun to see these pics of your girls back before we knew them. It can be a dangerous thing for me to look back on my kids pictures when they were little. The tears just pour out. Time goes too quickly and all of a sudden they are grown up and you are a grandma!

Leah said...

Oh they are so cute, I love those pictures. Where does the time go?? It makes me cry when I look at old pics of Jace. Why can't we freeze time?!!

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